Dates: June 24-27
Location: High Velocity (46245 Michigan Ave. Canton, MI) Times: 5:30-8pm Ages: Birth year 2016-2005, boys and girls Cost: $175 per player Join Coach Ducks and his staff for this 4 day camp. Spend 3 days learning the basics to advanced technical and tactical aspects of Futsal (From First touch to shooting to movement off the ball and individual/team defending, and more). On day 4, we're on the field learning what Futsal tools players can translate to their outdoor Soccer. |
GK and final
Dates: July 22-25
Location: Dexter HS (2200 N Parker Rd. Dexter, MI) Times: 9am to 12pm Ages: Birth year 2015-2005 boys and girls Cost: $175 per player Join Coach Ducks, Coach Rhys, and Coach Robert in this unique camp for GK's and attacking players GK's - Get massive reps daily as well as real final third situations all week. Spend one day inside learning what futsal techniques translate to outdoor. Attacking players - In addition to enhancing your shooting ability, learn how to better attack in the final third - flank play, crossing and finishing, 1v1 isolation, combination passing, movement and interchanging positions, and rep after rep of decision making with and without the ball |
Dates: June 24-27
Location: Owens CC (30335 Oregon Rd. Perrysburg, OH) Times: 9am-12pm Ages: Birth year 2016-2005, boys and girls Cost: $175 per player Join Coach Ducks and Sam Fiore (Coerver Ohio Director) for this 4 day camp. Spend an hour of Futsal training followed by an hour of Coerver training! Learn about a different topic each day, be challenged with thinking/problem solving games, and spend the last hour of each day playing some type of small sided game. |
AA rec and ed camps
Age 5-12. Join FFA staff for a new Soccer experience. This camp is for the beginner to immediate player and is designed to give players a unique opportunity to experience many forms of Soccer played around the world and how they benefit players. Learn the basics of soccer through fun games and activities and finish each day with a friendly game of World Cup. On one of the days, we’ll be on the tennis court and learn the difference between handling a soccer ball versus a Futsal ball. Dates and times are below
June 17-21 from 9am to 12pm
June 24-28 from 9am to 12pm
July 15-19 from 9am to 12pm
July 22-26 from 9am to 12pm
July 29-Aug 2 from 9am to 12pm
Aug 5-9 from 9am to 12pm
Aug 12-16 from 9am to 12pm